Facets of Jen

Pitch Days

Pitching, or presenting to a prospective client, to either gain or retain an account can be quite the event. Sometimes it’s as simple as dropping off a document. Sometimes it involves custom shaped podiums, costumes, and a children’s choir. Advertising may not be show biz, but sometimes it feels like it.
Facets Of Jen

Academic Speaker

I have been a guest lecturer at the University of Utah regarding digital marketing at both the undergraduate and graduate level. Asked by the Dean of Marketing, he was happy to find someone with so many real world case studies who could speak so passionately about the web.
I have given workshops on search and social, provided corporate web training, and excitedly presented both digital trends and predictions. I have conducted exhaustive interviews, analytics assessments, and presented findings to C-suite executives. I’ve conducted internal and cross-department brainstorming sessions. In explaining and interpreting the web in its various stages and uses, I’ve tried to be a teacher, even a mentor. It’s also a great excuse to dress up.
Facets of Jen

Musical Theater

My time singing and dancing was put to the test when I joined the cast of Celebration, a theater musical presented by Westminster College. Since my Mom was going for the lead, I decided to try for the ensemble cast. We sang and danced our hearts out, making memories as we shared the stage.
Facets Of Jen

Team Leader

As a team leader, department head, and company owner, I’ve had to give speeches, generate urgency, inspire greatness and remind of priorities. Always with respect and equality.
Before I was dedicated to strategy, I was a vigilant and attentive Account Manager, Supervisor and Director at a few advertising agencies. I insisted on developing client relationships based on honesty and learned much from my programmer and creative colleagues.
I’ve always been open to new ideas, new people, new companies and new industries to make the world a better place.