Facets of Jen

First Site in 1996

Enchanted by the raw possibility and potential of the web, after reading many web-focused magazines and a couple HTML books, I built and sold my first website to a bank in 1996.
These days I use content management systems instead of straight code to build sites, expand upon sites, add functionality, improve conversion or re-design entirely.
Through formal training and experienced trail and error, I have learned the importance of navigation language, carving digital real estate, prioritizing the needs of impatient first-timers, and using color to draw the eye and encourage action.
Facets Of Jen

Hundreds of Projects

For decades I’ve helped dozens of clients and teams create and maintain hundreds of websites, campaigns, surveys, contests, polls and events. In some cases this included a branding refresh, determining an identity from essence to visual look, or helping pinpoint differentiation to adjust messaging or position in the competitive landscape. From small business to Fortune 100, I’ve touched nearly every industry. At the end of the day, each challenge is about creative problem solving, creative direction and creative execution within the digital context.

Facets of Jen

Digital Ecosphere

I like to think about the big picture.  So when I complete a technical or branding review, I tend to not get bogged down in details but see from a 10,000 foot view how everything is connected.  Because of this outlook, I became known for mapping digital ecosystems.  I find once digital ecosystems are mapped they become easier to comprehend, discuss and find opportunities or effeciencies.