Facets of Jen

Kid Creative

I began my career as a creative as a kid. Each day a canvas for my imagination.  I created magic shows, dance routines, managed lemonade stands and played neighborhood store.  Over the years my antics evolved.  An early fan of Saturday Night Live, by the time I was nine I was writing fake Newscasts with my friend Megan, complete with fake ads and weather reports.
By high school I was dancing on the dance team, cheering on the cheer squad, singing in the jazz choir and selling concessions at games.  I was also testing business ideas in Economics club and learning principles in Contract Law.  I had a column in the school newspaper, a video camera (which was rare) and a friend who would develop my photographs for free.
Facets Of Jen


A Gen-Xer born in the seventies, a true child of the eighties, I grew up surrounded by the tech of the time.  Since my Dad was excited about new technology, I became immersed and comfortable early.  VHS videocameras, front projection screens, a satellite dish the size of a car, a console room and a dozen remote controls were the norm.  With a 1984 Mac Classic I became comfortable with computers.  I played games, learned spreadsheets and mastered making coffee cups in Paint.
Facets of Jen


I became interested in photography at a very early age.  I see it as a composed slice of time that tells a story or captures a moment.  In college I had photographic assignments and developed photos by hand in the lab.  My favorite type is travel photography with an emphasis on micro photography.

Facets Of Jen


Though I’ve gone a bit comfy in recent years, I’ve been known to work a catwalk.  Always keeping one eye on the trends of the fashion scene, I used to collect labels, sketch outfits and dress older than my age.  An early fan of DKNY, Kenneth Cole, Custo and Bob Mackie, my Mother-in-law Wendy introduced me to the sophistication of Dior, Armani and Christian Louboutin.